Minutes from Board Meeting – 28th October 2020

Greenslate Community Farm Ltd

Board Meeting

Date: 28/10/2020  via  Zoom @6pm

Present: Donald McQueen, Pat Bray, Beth Hollihead, Caroline Hudson

Apologies: Stuart Hollihead


Chair: Beth Hollihead

Minutes: Caroline Hudson

Declaration of interest: CH re side project, item 6

Agenda referenceMinutesAction
1Previous minutes discussed and agreed.
Discussions ensued regarding the furlough scheme and the maximum hours available to offer to Staff.  PB asked about the possibility of buying ready-prepared cakes to increase their profit margin.  CH and BH expressed concern that this would remove a unique selling point which homemade cakes provide locally. Prep times can be looked at to be reduced.
A regular period of time between reviews of the scheme needs to be determined.
Contracts need to be changed to include new furlough options
3Terms of reference for the position of treasurer have been circulated among the membership with 50% of members having opened the email.  No volunteers have yet come forward so PB is to share the terms with NR Barton and Institute of Chartered Accountants.No negative feedback has yet been received in regard to appointing a treasurer and it is agreed that a treasurer would need to be a full member of the board regardless of the method of appointment.  This is contradictory to previous discussions (see minutes from 6/10/2020) but now agreed by all board members.PB – share treasurer terms of reference with NR Barton and ICAEW

Discussion took place around the development of a panel to deal with grievances and possible updates to grievance and disciplinary procedures for the future.  BH will create templates and assures that shareholder feedback has all been positive.

5It was felt by some that many members feel too raw, from recent events to engage in an immediate reconciliation process.  All agree that this is an important point to consider.The situation being fresh is why, according to BH, SH wishes to proceed.BH feels that most would benefit from a mutual clearing of the air and having already told the membership that a process will ensue means that we must proceed.PB believes that it will take enough time to set up a panel and a comprehensive process to begin the work while individuals are continuing to heal emotionally.DM wishes time to be taken for all parties to be ready for the procedure and BH agrees to take the process slowly.DM expressed the need for due diligence in having volunteers take up roles on such a panel.  Skills must be verified including the ability to handle disputes and evidence of training should be a priority.BH – put together criteria for a reconciliation panel and upload to Teams
6AOBCH wishes to use the farm logo and images of the animals for a side project – permission givenCH would like to obtain rescue capybaras for grazing in the top of field 1.  Provisional permission given if costings and details of the rescue are worked out.
DM and PB in the process of finalising covid related risk assessments.  Possibly acquire a temperature gun for spot checks.PB to be point of contact for reporting of communicable diseases.Notices at shop entrance to be checked for any missing information.
Director insurance discussions to continue via email once all members are up to date on the risks.
7Provisional date of next meeting – 11/11/2020
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