Greenslate Community Farm Ltd
Board Meeting Minutes
Date of meeting:
Monday 3 June 2019
Alan Kehoe, Kath Godfrey, Dan Halliday, Jane Fairhurst, Francis Malina, Neil Hickson, Paul Corkill, Joe Taylor, Dave Fairhurst, Rhiannon Jones
Ian Bowyer
Joe Taylor was elected Chair after the resignation Ian Nicolson from the Board before the meeting.
Dave Fairhurst
Declarations of interest:
to agenda |
Minute | Action |
1 | Minutes of previous meetings
The minutes of the Board meeting of Monday 6 May 2019 were agreed |
2 | Minutes of AGM, 24 March 2019
The draft minutes of the AGM on 24 March 2019 were proposed by DH, seconded by RJ and accepted by the Board. It was noted that we still need to include a list of or so attendees on the minutes. |
3 | Matters Arising from meeting of 6 May 2019
KG reported on a meeting she had had with Deborah, the accountant regarding the possibility her carrying out a full audit free of charge. Deborah had explained that there are different levels of audit and while she wouldn’t be able to carry out the highest-level audit, she could write a report on our accounts. It was agreed that the matter should be held in abeyance for now. |
4 | Introduction of new Treasurer, Alan Kehoe.
JT welcome AK to the Board.
KG |
5 | Members and meetings
JT spoke on a report he had drawn up following a consultation with members. The commonest feedback he had received was that members want regular meetings. JT proposed that he organise three general meetings on top of the AGM. KG seconded. Agreed |
JT |
6 | Constitution/Aims and objectives
7 | Farm Reports
The Board agreed that in future written reports should be submitted to future meetings by the staff responsible for the following areas:
RJ presented a verbal report on ideas for income generation from animals including rearing chicks for back yard chicken keepers and sale of equipment/ resources for same. RJ also proposed investment in stock-proof fencing which would save a good deal of staff time and improve the possibility of more volunteer involvement in animal husbandry. RJ agreed to submit a project proposal form in relation to both these items NH gave a brief report on growing. Behind on some things, salad items been very successful. NH will report back on future growing options |
NH |
8 | Induction Pack for New Board members
JT spoke briefly on the need for induction packs for new Board members. He will do the groundwork on a basic induction pack. JT requested copies of all job contracts for the Board. KG to provide. |
KG |
9 | AOB
1. The Board agreed that a letter should be written to Ian Nicolson, acknowledging his resignation letter and thanking him for his contribution to the Farm. 2. DH offered to produce improved signage for the site. The board supported his idea and asked that discuss the matter with the Treasurer to assess any cost implications. 3. The Board discussed an email message from D McQueen requesting the opportunity for he and P Heywood to present the case that didn’t get presented at the special meeting of 27 May. Three options were considered: i) To agree to the request and invite DM & PH to attend ii) To reject the request iii) To decline the request but ask D McQueen/P Heywood to submit his relevant papers to be held on record and circulated to Board members. After some discussion the Board agreed unanimously on option 3. JT to include the Board’s response in his letter confirming the outcome of the special meeting of 27 May. 4. The Board reviewed the process undertaken in relation to the grievance that had been raised against P Heywood. It was noted that the Board had had no precedent to use as guide them, but it was recognised that there was serious procedural flaw in holding a hearing without inviting PH to attend and present his explanation. It was agreed that: i) The staff disciplinary code should be amended to make it relevant to volunteers. DF agreed to review the disciplinary code and present his recommendations to a future Board. ii) A Code of Conduct applicable to volunteers and staff should be developed. KG and RJ to work on this for presentation to a future Board. |
9 | Date and time of next meeting
6.30 pm Monday 1 July 2019 |