Minutes from board meeting – Monday 20th July 2020

Date of meeting: 3.30 pm Monday 20th July 2020, Zoom meeting

Present: Joe Taylor, Dave Fairhurst, Rhiannon Jones, Jane Fairhurst, Paul Corkill, Alan Kehoe, Ian Bowyer

Apologies: Pat Bray, Jonathan Roby

Absent: Danny Halliday

Chair: Joe Taylor

Minutes: Dave Fairhurst

Declarations of interest

Referenceto agendaMinuteAction
1Minutes of meeting of 13th July 2020:PC proposed, RJ seconded. Agreed
2Matters arising:xx bank card cancelled.  Bank to be advised of xx removal from signatories next week.
3Farm Management Issues:Online shop review:Estimates show significant losses in last week, though only estimates as data not provided again.  Orders well down on previous month. Agreed to keep open in short term while shop makes contribution to fixed staff costs, monitor on a weekly basis.  DF/AK to draft email to xx.  Request advice from xx on opening shop for longer hours.Growing:AS resignation noted. Agreed that RJ should supervise growing department, pending review of its aims with a view to developing its educational and capacity building output.  SH to be seconded 14 hrs/week to growing dept., working under RJ.Plans for café reopening:Council’s risk assessment form been completed.  xx to be advised to submit to Council and staff to sign and keep in kitchen when approved.  Business plan yet to be submitted to Board.  Council’s help in developing business plan requested.  Stock take spreadsheet received but needs adding up. xx to be emailed re: progress towards reopening shop.Straw Bale Building:Building Control Completion Certificate now been issued.Care Farm:Board noted and commended the new brochure for the care farm.  Procedures being updated and redecorations of classroom completed.  DF to liaise with KH re: impediments to reopening the care farm.



4Financial Matters:Treasurer’s Report:Draft accounts for 2019-2019 just back from accountants.  Show a small annual loss. Remuneration:Agreed that xx salary to be regularised as per agreement when she was appointed. DF to advise xx.Business Rates Demand:AK to pursue possibility of discount liaising with LR. Forever Manchester Grant:PB has advised that grant can be used to support growing provided surpluses go to food banks etc.

5Petition Re: General Meeting:DF sent agreed letter to petitioners last week.  No replies.

7A.O.B.LR asked board to consider priorities for peer review. Requested board send her list with notes.  DF to email to LR when list and notes been drawn up.  DF requested support from Council on upcoming disciplinary issue. LR to consult with her colleagues in HR.  Board also requested support for café staff in developing business plan and for board in reviewing plan.RJ requested release of grant funds (£1800) to complete fencing work.  Agreed, subject to confirmation by AK General farm risk assessment.  RJ to submit to Lynn Calderbank.


8Date and time of next meeting:3.30pm Monday 27 July 2020
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