Minutes from Directors Meeting 21st January 2019

Condensed Version


The AGM will be held on Sunday 24th March at 4pm. Formal notification will be sent out shortly.

Treasurer’s report

The care farm remains sustainable and still generating a contribution to the rest of the farm project despite an increase in staff costs with the recruitment of a new full time member of staff in October. 

December takings in the shop and cafe were the highest ever, but costs were also substantial so overall the profit margin was lower than hoped, however the start to the new year has been positive with takings over 300% up on last year and our first planned events booking up fast.

Our recent annual meeting with the accountants was very productive and positive with useful feedback. The accounts are due for publication within the next 2 months.

Outstanding issues

It was agreed that the front gate to the farm should be locked overnight to reduce ASB. Allotmenteers will be notified of the procedure for gaining access.

Memory garden. The ground works and tree planting are due to be carried out over the next few weeks with completion by the end of February.

Donkey shelter. Groundworks for the donkey shelter and wareing shed will commence shortly, along with other minor works including excavation for a water pipe to the pig enclosure and excavation of a base for a new greenhouse.

Project Goals 

The board undertook a review of the original project aims and agreed upon a set of goals for the coming year with a view to the continual improvement of the farm and delivery of the project aspirations.

  1. Resources will be directed towards establishing the farm as a destination by developing the farm infrastructure, improving the facilities for visitors, and extending and improving our offer, including services, products and activities.
  2. A key goal for this year will be to raise awareness about the farm and to clearly convey the message and ethos of the farm with a view to wider awareness raising. This will include the creation of signage, interpretation and information both around the farm and within the café and other buildings, and also the development of publicity material and our online presence, with a consistent brand throughout all our publicity material.
  3. There will be a strong focus on improving and maintaining the appearance and tidiness of the site as a whole.


Recruitment for a new kitchen assistant will begin immediately.

Partnership working

The Friends of Orrell Station plan to set up the spare greenhouse and grow bedding at the farm for the station.

Next meeting board meeting: Monday 18th Feb 6.30pm

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