Date of meeting: Monday 9 September 2019
Kath Godfrey, Danny Halliday, Ian Bowyer, Alan Kehoe, Joe Taylor, Dave Fairhurst, Jonathan Roby, Paul Corkill, Jane Fairhurst,
Rhiannon. Jones
Joe Taylor
Dave Fairhurst
Declarations of interest:
Some minutes have been condensed on the grounds of commercial sensitivity or personal confidentiality.
Reference to agenda |
Minute |
Action |
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Minutes of the last meeting The minutes of the meeting of 12 August 2019 were accepted. A minor redaction to the minutes to be published on our website was agreed to protect commercially sensitive information. |
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Matters Arising None |
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Treasurer’s Report AK spoke on his latest financial analysis. August showed a net profit. AK reported on his dealings with Slade and Cooper and advised the board on issues relating to the FCA. He recommended a number of procedural changes regarding our book keeping. After a long discussion the proposals were accepted without a vote needed. |
Chair’s Report |
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The Board noted and agreed the proposal from the recent General Meeting that a group of members be established to develop recommendations for a Mission Statement and Aims for the Farm. A number of members had already volunteered at the General Meeting to join this working group. The General Meeting had voted on some amendments to the proposals for proxy voting. These are covered under item 6. |
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Human Resources – J. Roby J.R. introduced himself as a new Board member. Given his previous background in HR he advised that he would in particular be concentrating on HR issues. Advice was given and accepted on several HR issues. |
6 |
Proxy Voting DF reported on the discussion about proxy voting that had taken place at the recent General Meeting, which had voted in favour of changing the proposed supplementary rule to exclude discretionary proxy votes. DF had amended the draft supplementary rule and proxy nomination form accordingly. The meeting accepted the changes without a vote. KG made the point that, given the changes, it may be simpler to set up a system of postal votes. |
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Farm Reports Care Farm: The report was noted and the Board agreed to increase the staffing level by six hours per week in accordance with Hazel’s recommendations. Growing: The Board thanked NH and KG for their proposed Grower Planning Challenge as part of the recruitment process for a new grower and agreed it’s use. Education and Animals: The Board noted the report and agreed with the proposals regarding the development of education provision. Café/shop The Board thanked Mark for his report and noted his plans for the coming months. It was agreed that an analysis of the costs and benefits needs to be conducted in relation to staff proposals. Infrastructure: The Council have said that full planning permission is required for the donkey shed, at more cost. DH to check with Council. Change of Use application has been submitted for the Wareing Shed. Woodland: JT read a report on the woodlands that he had just received. It was noted that Persimmon had not carried out the work they had promised when they had worked on the SUDS pond earlier this year. |
DH |
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Any Other Business IB replaced KG as Company Secretary, with the Board’s approval, until the next AGM. |
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Date and time of next meeting 6.30p.m., Monday 14 October 2019 |