Minutes of board meeting – 29th June 2020

Date of meeting: 4.30pm Monday 29th June 2020

Present: Joe Taylor, Dave Fairhurst, Rhiannon Jones, Jonathan Roby, Paul Corkill, Pat Bray, Alan Kehoe, Jane Fairhurst, Ian Bowyer (joined meeting at 5.00 pm)

Apologies: None

Absent: Danny Halliday

Chair: Joe Taylor

Minutes: Dave Fairhurst

Declarations of interest: None

Referenceto agendaMinuteAction
1Minutes of meeting of 15th June 2020:PB moved, PC seconded.Agreed
2Matters arising:Drainage work to farmyard in progress

3Farm management issues:Café planning:DF to draft reply to M Hampson re: furlough, production of plan for reopening and attendance at next meeting.  The Board agreed unanimously that the café would be reopened as soon as adequate commercial and health and safety plans are in place after 4th July.Box scheme:AK reported on box scheme.  He had only got the figures from xx late yesterday evening. Box scheme continues to make a loss – £722.15 trading loss in the last week. £2904 trading loss in total.Care Farm: DF reported on information from Kelly that she had just been told still not safe to open care farm for after advice from PHE.  No advice received on when this likely to change.  V. disappointing for staff, but learners happy to continue with current outreach work.


4Financial issues, grant applications:PB passed on update from Mandy re: P2C grant application.  Full application of £25,000 been awarded today. To provide revenue support for the farm.  Details to be confirmed, including timescale, drawdown arrangements, reporting, eligible expenses.  Board noted this may be a unique lifeline for the café and shop which must not be wasted. RJ asked about support for Adam from £25000. To be investigated when grant details clear. DF to draft bulletin for staff to advise re: grant. Board thanked Alan and Mandy for all their work in securing this funding. PB reported that Adam had given him the information he needs to go back to Forever Manchester re: transfer of grant to growing equipment.PB noted that since farm closed, board has now raised £39,500 in funding.PB talked on funding bid for micro grid. Cadent Trust identified for bid.  Board very keen on proposal and agreed unanimously to go ahead with bid.

5Petition:JT reported on petition he had received from C Mulcahy on 24th June 2020 calling for general meeting.  Agreed to set meeting date for Wednesday 5th August 2020.DF and JT to draw up reply to C Mulcahy.

6AGM:Discussion on progress on accounts for presentation to AGM when this is possible. Final adjustments now in progress on 2018-2019 accounts relating to grants and fixed assets.  Previous 2 year’s accounts can be adjusted after this work is done.  AK will report on errors in previous accounts shortly.  Board thanked him and M W-B for all the internal audit work they had done to address the issues raised at the last AGM.
7A.O.B.JT reported he had received email from KG tendering her resignation from the Board last Monday. Noted.J R advised that as a result of a change in work requirements he will not have time for board work from August, so is resigning from 31st July. Board thanked JR for his contribution.Business Energy Claims:DF reported on conditional fee agreement with solicitors acting for Business Energy Claims, who we have engaged to recover mis-sold energy contract through energy brokers Ecosave Business Solutions.  Possibility of some costs arising out of disbursements, but this seemed low risk.  DF to sign necessary documents on behalf of farm.

8Date and time of next meeting:4.30pm Monday 6th July 2020
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