volunteer week header

Have you thought of learning about farming?

Have you ever fancied trying your hand caring for animals or learning how to grow your own food? Those are just a few of the things you can do if you volunteer at Greenslate Community Farm.

This week is National Volunteer week, so we are holding an online talk to explain what volunteering at Greenslate Community Farm means.

If you want to find out more, come along to our online event on Saturday 5th June at 11:00 am. Our virtual cafe discussion group will be taking a virtual look at what volunteers get up to on the farm. You’ll be very welcome to come along, see what it’s about, and ask whatever questions you like.

To join Zoom Meeting, click on the link below at 11:00 am on Saturday 5th June, 2021.

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88444993507?pwd=ckYzVnp6TjZmcnUzQzRRMHdCRENyZz09 Meeting ID: 884 4499 3507 Passcode: 171304

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