Date of meeting: Monday 11 November 2019
Joe Taylor, Dave Fairhurst, Jane Fairhurst, Alan Kehoe, Kath Godfrey, Rhiannon Jones, Paul Corkill
Apologies: Jonathan Roby, Danny Halliday, Ian Bowyer
Chair: Joe Taylor
Minutes: Dave Fairhurst
Declarations of interest:
to agenda |
Minute | Action |
1 | Farm Reports:
Care Farm: A report submitted by H M was noted and the suggestion regarding transport facilities was supported. Café/shop: No report had been submitted by the cafe Manager, MH, who was not present owing to ill health. The café/shop was not discussed. Education and animals: RH spoke on the report that she had submitted. She updated the Board on the position regarding receiving a “family group” of rescued donkeys. JT thanked her for the detailed report and for the inventory details she had provided to AK. The report was noted. Growing: The Farm’s newly appointed grower, Adam Smith, was welcomed by the Chair. Adam had only started work the day before and was still meeting colleagues and volunteers. He outlined his priorities for the immediate future. Woodland: No report had been received and this issue was not discussed. Projects/infrastructure: Some issues around the recent grant award for a workshop were discussed. KG confirmed that the grant bid had been made last year and that over £2000 of the £12088.45 grant had already been received earlier this year. KG has requested quotes for the electricity supply to the Wareing shed (along with some quotes for electrical work to the Straw Bale building. KG confirmed that the cost of a planning application for the donkey shelter would be £366. The Board authorised her to go ahead with a retrospective planning application for the donkey shelter. The Board considered the possibility of providing a site for an aviary for birds of prey (some of which are rescue birds) that are currently being cared for under licence by local residents at their home. The Board’s response was generally positive, although it was agreed that more information was needed. KG to contact the falconers for further discussions. |
KG |
2 | Minutes of meeting of 14 October 2019:
Approved |
3 | Matters arising:
Letter from AK to FCA has been sent by DF. Work done to update handbook. DBS forms circulated to the Board |
4 | Treasurer’s report:
a) October showed an overall profit of £3209.07, an improvement over the same month last year. b) A discussion took place about the proposal to appoint a book keeper for an initial 10 hours per week, moving to 7 hours per week. The proposal was approved on a show of hands. AK to liaise with RJ regarding placing adverts N.R. Barton have been appointed as external accountants. Progress on external audits was discussed. AK advised the board that his own analysis od the 17/18 accounts show that there is no need for an external audit on that year’s accounts. As an external audit of the ‘17/’18 accounts had been voted for at the last AGM it was agreed that the Board should inform members of AK’s investigations to explain why an external audit has not been commissioned and to request their approval for waiving an external audit. AK/DF to draft a statement for members for consideration by the next Board. AK advised the Board that a number of revised financial procedures will need to be introduced as the book keeper post is introduced. These procedures will be introduced in consultation with managers. The need for secure office space for the finance function was discussed. It was agreed that the possibility of the finance function sharing an office with HM would be investigated. DF raised the issue of cash handling for the Christmas fair. The Board expressed their satisfaction and confidence with this being delegated to the main organisers, S.S. and B.H. DF to advise the volunteers accordingly. |
5 | Chair’s Report:
The written report by the Chair was noted. |
6 | A.O.B.:
D.F. advised the Board of his desire to relinquish the duties of minute secretary. |
7 | Date and time of next meeting
6.30 p.m. Monday 9 December 2019 |